Andreas’s Checklist #3


  1. Take ALL that extra stuff off your boat
  2. Race in the Outer Island race which takes place on August 7th, the Sunday before Chester Race Week at Chester Yacht Club
  3. Boathandling and Boat Speed work up in Chester
  4. Set up a dedicated driver if commuting to and from Halifax
  5. Clean the bottom of your boat unless you want to go slow
  6. Come to Andrea’s morning talks on the Chester Yacht Club porch
  7. Go to Frenchies for the team Hawaiian shirts
  8. Refresh your music selection for the boat’s Boom Box
  9. Don’t forget to visit the Chester Race Week sponsor businesses
  10. Register before the August 1st deadline and save $$ by avoiding the $100.00 late fee. You can use PayPal or a Credit
  11. Card when you register on-line at or call CYC 902-275-3747 during open hours and they will take your credit card information.
  12. Send your current yacht insurance verification sooner rather than later. It is easy!; take a picture of your policy and email it to [email protected], fax it to Chester Yacht Club 902-275-2525, or call your insurance agent and have him send it to CYC. Please note that you will not be able to participate without proof of insurance.

For the past decade, Andreas Josenhans has been providing first class sailing management and attention to detail for Chester Race Week. He has worked in management at North Sails for over 25 years, is considered the Swan 45 Class Leader within North Sails, has sailed in most major sailing events across the globe with a variety of teams and was inducted into Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame in 1981.
For Chester Race Week 2016 Andreas has provided a series of 3 check lists to keep your boat and skipper and crew in winning form and able to take on the best on the water. During the 2016 Race Week, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings, Andreas will do the ‘talk on the porch’ which is typically a 45 minute session at the Chester Yacht Club covering topics which resonate with entrants and are relevant to the upcoming day’s challenges.